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Setting Up Ways to be Adaptive

A key outcome of an agile mindset is becoming adaptive

Luke Pivac



Setting Up Ways to be Adaptive

The key outcome of an agile mindset is becoming adaptive

The way businesses do things these days has changed. It is not enough to release great products — especially in an environment where the market is crowded with dozens of other competitors fighting to get customers attention. These days, we need a new set of guidelines to help teams manage change. The key is being adaptive, and that starts with you!

What was the old way?

To know what the new way looks like, let's explore what the old ways were.

  • Promoting people who are good at their jobs to management and just give them enough training.
  • Thrive on status in a steady market position.
  • And so on.
With ever-changing market conditions, the only certainty is change. And that is where being adaptive is your super-power.

How to be adaptive

This is where you can learn a super power; to me the biggest super power in agile—outside of an agile mindset— is adaptability. Here are some focus points on how to start thinking about being adaptive.

  1. Know yourself - Like I said before, it starts with you.
  2. Align with your company’s strategy. Focus on the value you can add to the work you do, then focus on supporting your team, adding value each and everyday. Then focus on adding value to your company —often brainstorming ways to get alignment can be key. The trick is to start somewhere and measure your success so you can improve along the way.
  3. Focus on solving problems and generating results. All about the value you add!
  4. Work like an agile delivery professional. Organise your work around projects and deliverables, by breaking items down into its smallest chunks. Minimal Viable Product (MVP).

Following these steps will help you as a manager or as a team-player be more prepared to adapt when problems arise.

Create conditions to thrive

Here are some considerations when transitioning into an adaptive and agile mindset.

  • Uncertainty prevail.
  • Time is no longer a luxury.
  • Create an environment for managers to be successful for constant

Set up conditions for being adaptive

To sum things up, consider the following and you'll be on your way.

  1. Alignment: Get a clear organisation strategy. Focus on yourself, then your team and then ultimately your organisation.
  2. Promote autonomy when making decisions. Think self-organising teams, making decisions together as a team is empowering and rewarding.
  3. Use technology tools to support communication, collaboration and learning.
  4. Partnership with all. Working together is far more rewarding and liberating that being siloed. Think three amigos, the three musketeers. The smartest person in the room is no smarter than the collective team.

Using the principles we discussed, when working together, anything is possible —and that is what make agile so special!

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